Starting from the bottom up.
08:55Shoes. Shoes can fundamentally make or break an outfit. You may be wearing the best three piece suit or fitting pair of dark jeans but if you don't have the right shoes to go with it, you may as well not step out the door.
In the past 5 years shoes and men have started to become one. Gone are the days of men owning two pairs of shoes; one for the gym and one pair for pretty much everything else. Now men are buy shoes to fit with office wear, lunch dates or even walks in the park. I have friends who own well over 20 pairs of shoes, yes they are guys!
I have a rule of 5. 5 paris or items of shoes or clothing that you and every man should own for their basic wardrobe so you can then shape a wardrobe around these items.
I have 5 fundamental pairs of shoes that should not be missing from any mans wardrobe.
1. Brogues
I LOVE Brogues. They where originally made to be outdoor and country wear and not appropriate for business or casual occasions but are now appropriate in most contexts. If you find the right pair, I like the rounded ends not the pointy, they can be worn at work with a dark blue or tartan suit or with a pair of jeans.