How To Boost Your Energy


We have all had that feeling of tiredness where even blinking becomes an effort. All you want to do is rest those sandbags you call eyelids and drift off into a sleep so you feel recharged and ready to go. The only problem is you wake just as tired and when you feel asleep.
It’s hard to overcome that sate of tiredness when you feel you have nothing left in the tank. Lucky for you I spoke to nutritionist and personal trainer Oli Williams about how to overcome this state and how to make sure you steer well clear so that you wont be feeling this again!
Here are Oli’s tips to boost your energy levels;
Get up
People don’t seem to understand that when they are feeling tired or drained the idea is to not sit down or go to bed it’s actually to get up and do something. I’m not saying go run a marathon but going to gym and doing a 20-minute circuit blitz or 10 laps of the pool will get your blood pumping and get those needed nutrients to your muscles. Also move out of your comfort zone and start doing exercises or activities that will get new muscles moving. Instead of a standard arms workout why not try a boxercise class. By changing up your weekly routine you will start to feel more pumped, start to burn fat and significantly elevate your metabolism.

Catch those Zeeeees
I feel like I’m eating my own words now but you must get your sleep. The most you need is 8 hours. The least you can fully function on is around 6 hours. Sleep is needed for cell reproduction as well as the release of proteins for growth and repairing muscle tissues. Sleep deprivation will cause mood swings, weak immune system, poor concentration as well as lack or concentration and productivity.
Breakfast in the most important meal of the day
I can’t stress enough the importance of breakfast. The literal term of breaking the fast after sleeping supplies your body with a jolt of fuel that sets the tone for the whole day. Food is your fuel to keep you going. A car won’t go very far without petrol and it’s the same as your body. I recommend slow energy releasing food like porridge that will keep you going till lunch. Just avoid the flavorer kinds, which can be packed with sugar. Instead, sweeten your bowl with milk and a bit of honey, and top with fruit and nuts.

Its time to get complex
Carbs can be the savior or the devil. When people go on diets the first thing they cut out is carbs/ That’s the worst! You need carbs in your daily intake but you need the right cards. There are two kinds - complex and refined. Refined carbs are foods such as white rice, white sugar or white flour. These are nutritionally poor and cause a spike in your blood sugars. Complex carbs such as whole grain products, oats, brown rice and sweet potato stabilize your blood sugar and energy levels. The one thing I would say is no carbs after 7pm as this is normally the time of the day you will be resting, watching TV or even getting ready for bed resulting in these carbs being stored as fat.
Cut the caffein

People think that if they are feeling tired a cup of coffee will sort them out. Yes it will but only for a short space of time then they need another one. Caffeine increases the production of stress hormones, causing a short energy boost. This energy boost can later result in anxiety, frustration, irritability, insomnia, muscle tension and weakened immunity. Limit yourself to a couples of cups a day or try and switch to a healthier alternative like green tea.

Pumping iron…the tasty kind
Iron is needed in your diet as it produces energy from food or glucose. Make sure your diet is packed with foods such as red meats, fish, chicken, eggs, green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds. These natural sugars will keep you going throughout the day.
Go for a check up
A lot of people go through life with an undiagnosed illness. I would advise anyone who is suffering from lack of sleep, fatigue, mood swings, anxiety or rapid weight gain to go to the doctors and get a check up. You may be suffering from Hypothyroidism, a common thyroid disorder.

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