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December, December, where have you sprung up from? After a a few hots months in the summer and a couple of dodgy ones between September and November, its now the last few days of 2015. I feel like its time to name a few of the people who have inspired me throughout the year.
 Casey Neistat
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You can’t explain this guy with just words, you have to watch his films to understand this guy. He doesn’t just think out side the box, he takes the box turns it into a 3D model, spray paints it, turns it into a piece of art then films about it. This guy takes the simple and makes it extraordinary. Just one of his days consists of more than I can do in a year (as you can see in his picture perfect vlogs). When he isn’t taking time laps of the concrete jungle that is New York or making extraordinary films running around the world, he is working tirelessly on his new app Beme (hit me up sam_palm). Oh and he had a kid last year. Forget Kanye for 2020 I’m calling for Neistat 2020. Plus his shoe game is strong! Remember kids ‘Work Harder’.
 Oliver Cheshire
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Probably Britain’s 2nd most influential model (behind the man himself David Gandy), Oliver Cheshire first made waves in the fashion industry as a spritely young teenager after being made face of a certain underwear brand, Calvin Klein. Now dating Pixie Lott and helping Marks and Spencer up its game the gent also has his own blog (Iwearthetrousers) and has written for the Telegraph. This is one guy you definitely want to be following.
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So this is actually two guys. Twins to be precise. Jack and Finn. Having started aYouTube channel by Jack to make films documenting his year off, his videos blew up enticing his brother to get involved and they attracted an army of teenage girl fans that could rival the boys of 1D. The two boys have now grown up and taken slightly different routes with Finn going to study in New York at Parsons School of Design. Jack currently working on production company ‘The Good Collective’. These are two seriously talented twins.
Luca Fersko
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Now I’m not sure I can call this guy an inspiration yet as I only found out about his a few months ago but he knows what he is talking about. He may only be 17 but his knowledge of fashion could rival that of any fashion editor. His simplistic monochrome outfits combined with his headwear and footwear will keep you glued to his YouTube videos. Oh and look at that head of hair.
These are the guys I look to when I have inspiration block. They seem to see to be able to find the interesting out of the dull and are stand out guys who seem to never sit down. Even just sitting here writing about these guys makes your feel inadequate. Christ, I’m off to do something productive.
(Images taken from instagram no copyright intended, if you would like them removing please do not hesitate to contact me)

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